Termékek vásároljon hegesztő gázt a közelben (294)

Általános szerelő

Általános szerelő

Mecanic Systems, thanks to its machining division, can offer its customers the following services: -dimpling -tapping -brushing -inserting (see photograph) -tool machining -levelling machine
Hegesztési töltőanyag / Lézerhegesztő drót Superalloy

Hegesztési töltőanyag / Lézerhegesztő drót Superalloy

Schweißzusatzwerkstoffe zum Laserschweißen und WIG-Schweißen Schweißzusatzwerkstoff für Superalloys Und weitere Legierungen, wie z.B.: Cobalt-Legierungen, Reinnickel, Inconel, Nickelbasislegierung (Hastelloy), Duplex und Superduplex, STAVAX, 17-4 PH, Ampcoloy, CuBe Kontaktieren Sie uns, wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage. Durchmesser:0,2-1,0mm Lieferform:Stäbe/Spule Schweißzusatzwerkstoff:Superalloy
Lézeres vágás és lézerhegesztés

Lézeres vágás és lézerhegesztés

Ab März 2018 bieten wir unseren Kunden neue Möglichkeiten: Laserschneiden und -schweißen aller Metalle: Edelstahl, Stahl, Messing-, Bronze-, Kupfer- u. Aluminiumlegierung
MIG/MAG hegesztés - Tartós kapcsolatok

MIG/MAG hegesztés - Tartós kapcsolatok

MIG and MAG welding are some of the most popular welding methods, which owe their wide application to the high quality and durability of the elements created. They consist of welding using an electric arc, which melts the processed material creating a weld pool, which, after solidification, connects the elements together. At Marxam Project, we offer comprehensive MIG and MAG welding services, which we adapt to the needs of our customers to ensure their full satisfaction. At Marxam Project, we provide professional MIG and MAG welding services for many different materials. Our experienced welders will be happy to help you select all the details of your project to ensure its maximum quality. Using our state-of-the-art machinery, we can guarantee the highest possible precision. We have experience in fulfilling orders for many different industries, from food through automotive to construction.
Szakemberek Csőépítésben: Műanyaghegesztés

Szakemberek Csőépítésben: Műanyaghegesztés

Unsere qualifizierten THOR®-Fachkräfte unterstützen Sie in folgenden Tätigkeitsfeldern: Schweißtechnik, Erdverlegter Rohrleitungsbau, Anlagen-, Behälter- und Rohrleitungsbau.
Gyártócsarnok - Hegesztési Szolgáltatások. Gyártócsarnok, ahol hegesztjük és összeszereljük a hegesztési ízületeket.

Gyártócsarnok - Hegesztési Szolgáltatások. Gyártócsarnok, ahol hegesztjük és összeszereljük a hegesztési ízületeket.

We have a production hall at disposal, offering welding services where we can undertake welding projects and perform welds or joints for our clients. We offer a comprehensive range of welding services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our highly skilled welders are proficient in MIG/MAG, TIG, and spot-welding techniques, ensuring expertise across diverse welding complexities. From precision welds to intricate joints, we specialize in working with various steels and stainless steels. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship and attention to detail make us the ideal partner for your welding requirements. Trust us to bring your vision to life, as we seamlessly execute welding projects and deliver flawless welds and joints.
Fémmegmunkálás - hegesztés

Fémmegmunkálás - hegesztés

In the field of metalworking, the company offers many services such as cutting, bending, milling and grinding. The use of modern machines and tools allows precise shapes and finishes to be achieved, meeting the expectations of even the most demanding customers.


Bei uns kommt zusammen, was zusammen gehört. Aus scheinbar unlösbaren Problemen werden lösbare Verbindungen: Dafür sorgt unsere starke Fügetechnik-Mannschaft.
Hegesztés - Tartós csatlakozások

Hegesztés - Tartós csatlakozások

La saldatura è un processo di unione di metalli mediante saldatura, che, grazie al suo basso punto di fusione, viene utilizzata per creare una connessione permanente. In Marxam Project, offriamo servizi di saldatura della massima qualità, grazie ai quali puoi essere certo della durata del prodotto finale. Contattaci oggi stesso e sperimenta la collaborazione con veri professionisti. I servizi di saldatura presso Marxam Project sono un metodo incluso nei nostri collegamenti permanenti. La completezza della nostra offerta garantisce che eseguirai tutti i processi di lavorazione dei metalli necessari in un unico posto. I nostri esperti disponibili ed esperti ti aiuteranno a scegliere i parametri del progetto in modo che tu sappia che il prodotto finale sarà esattamente come lo hai immaginato. Affidati a Marxam Project e fornisci il meglio per te e per il tuo ordine.
Polimerek és kompozitok granulálására szolgáló berendezés

Polimerek és kompozitok granulálására szolgáló berendezés

Equipment for granulation of polymers and composites
Hegesztési töltőanyag / Lézerhegesztő drót Ampcoloy

Hegesztési töltőanyag / Lézerhegesztő drót Ampcoloy

Schweißzusatzwerkstoffe zum Laserschweißen und WIG-Schweißen Schweißzusatzwerkstoffe für Ampcoloy Und weitere Legierungen, wie z.B.: Superalloys, Cobalt-Legierung, Reinnickel, Inconel, Nickelbasislegierung (Hastelloy), Duplex und Superduplex, STAVAX, 17-4 PH, CuBe Kontaktieren Sie uns, wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage. Durchmesser:0,25-1,00mm Lieferform:Stäbe/Spule Schweißzusatzwerkstoff:Ampcoloy
2 Trumpf L3050 lézer

2 Trumpf L3050 lézer

- Power : 500 Watts - Precision : +/- 0.1mm - Displacement : 3000 x 1500 - Max thickness: Steel 25mm, Stainless steel 20 mm, Aluminium 13mm
1 Weber (600 mm)

1 Weber (600 mm)

Grilllap - Klasszikus Grill

Grilllap - Klasszikus Grill

Plancha - Barbecue Classica
Hegesztési töltőanyag / Lézerhegesztő drót tiszta nikkel 2.4155

Hegesztési töltőanyag / Lézerhegesztő drót tiszta nikkel 2.4155

Schweißzusatzwerkstoffe zum Laserschweißen und WIG-Schweißen Schweißzusatzwerkstoff Reinnickel 2.4155 Und weitere Legierungen, wie z.B.: Superalloys, Cobalt-Legierung, Inconel, Nickelbasislegierung (Hastelloy), Duplex und Superduplex, STAVAX, 17-4 PH, Ampcoloy, CuBe Kontaktieren Sie uns, wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage. Artikelnummer:DIM L-Nickel Durchmesser:0,3-0,6mm und 0,8mm Lieferform:Stäbe/Spule Schweißzusatzwerkstoff:Reinnickel 2.4155
Hegesztés | Ragasztás | Forrasztás | Rögzítés

Hegesztés | Ragasztás | Forrasztás | Rögzítés

Auf modernst eingerichteten Schweißarbeitsplätzen können wir äußerst präzise und genaue Schweißkonstruktionen nach Ihren Vorgaben herstellen.
3 LVD PPEB hajlítóprés - 9 tengely/3000mm

3 LVD PPEB hajlítóprés - 9 tengely/3000mm

Madárház ember

Madárház ember

Maison oiseaux bonhomme
Lézer Tubo

Lézer Tubo

Il Laser Tube G-Weike è una macchina da taglio laser ad alte prestazioni progettata per il taglio di tubi rotondi e quadrati con precisione. Con opzioni di potenza laser da 3000W a 12000W e una velocità massima di rotazione di 60 r/min, questa macchina è in grado di gestire compiti di taglio complessi in modo efficiente. La sua gamma di serraggio avanzata e la lunghezza di taglio efficace la rendono un bene prezioso per le industrie che cercano di ottimizzare le loro operazioni di taglio dei tubi.


Rozwádás rozsdamentes acél MIG/MAG, TIG

Rozwádás rozsdamentes acél MIG/MAG, TIG

Spawanie stali kwasoodpornej MIG/MAG, TIG. Grubość do 20mm. Welding of carbon steel using MAG, MIG and TIG methods Low-alloy steels are alloys to which additional components have been added, such as manganese, chromium or nickel, in quantities not exceeding 2% of a single component. Considering the specific properties and intended use, we distinguish three groups of materials: steels with increased strength , low-alloy steels for power engineering and steels for thermal improvement. Carbon Steel Welding Procedures It is worth noting that the increase in the content of carbon and alloying elements worsens the weldability of steel and carries the risk of cold cracks. Before starting welding, our specialists will assess the weldability of steel based on the chemical composition and the Ce equivalent. On this basis, they will determine whether they are dealing with easily weldable steel, with limited weldability or difficult to weld. We also use the hardness criterion for the initial assessment of weldability. In the case of low-alloy steels with a higher carbon equivalent, we use specific technological measures, such as: increased linear arc energy, preheating and low-hydrogen welding processes.
Elektronnyaláb hegesztés / EB hegesztés

Elektronnyaláb hegesztés / EB hegesztés

Das Präzisionsschweißverfahren ermöglicht die Produktion sofort einbaufähiger Bauteile. Anwender profitieren von einem hohen Wirkungsgrad für tiefe & schmale Schweißnähte.
Hardox hegesztés

Hardox hegesztés

Spawanie Hardox. Grubość do 20mm. Welding of carbon steel using MAG, MIG and TIG methods Low-alloy steels are alloys to which additional components have been added, such as manganese, chromium or nickel, in quantities not exceeding 2% of a single component. Considering the specific properties and intended use, we distinguish three groups of materials: steels with increased strength , low-alloy steels for power engineering and steels for thermal improvement. Carbon Steel Welding Procedures It is worth noting that the increase in the content of carbon and alloying elements worsens the weldability of steel and carries the risk of cold cracks. Before starting welding, our specialists will assess the weldability of steel based on the chemical composition and the Ce equivalent. On this basis, they will determine whether they are dealing with easily weldable steel, with limited weldability or difficult to weld. We also use the hardness criterion for the initial assessment of weldability. In the case of low-alloy steels with a higher carbon equivalent, we use specific technological measures, such as: increased linear arc energy, preheating and low-hydrogen welding processes.


Schweißen (Elektroden, WIG und MAG) Zusätzlich bieten wir Ihnen als besondere Serviceleistung für Ihre Fertigungsteile an: - Härten - alle galvanischen Oberflächenbehandlungen - Wasserstrahlschneiden - Laserschneiden - Erodieren - Brennteile - Blechbearbeitung - Rohrbiegearbeiten
Hegesztési töltőanyag / Lézerhegesztő drót STAVAX

Hegesztési töltőanyag / Lézerhegesztő drót STAVAX

Schweißzusatzwerkstoffe zum Laserschweißen und WIG-Schweißen Schweißzusatzwerkstoff STAVAX Und weitere Legierungen, wie z.B.: Superalloys, Cobalt-Legierung, Reinnickel, Inconel, Nickelbasislegierung (Hastelloy), Duplex und Superduplex, 17-4 PH, Ampcoloy, CuBe Kontaktieren Sie uns, wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage. Artikelnummer:DIM L-62 STA Durchmesser:0,2-1,0mm Lieferform:Stäbe/Spule Schweißzusatzwerkstoff:STAVAX
TIG hegesztés - Tartós kapcsolatok

TIG hegesztés - Tartós kapcsolatok

TIG welding, or tungsten electrode welding in an inert gas shield, is a process of joining two elements with an inseparable connection by generating an electric arc. At Marxam Project, we provide comprehensive TIG welding services that guarantee the highest quality of joints – both functional and aesthetic-wise. Contact us today and experience cooperation with true professionals. TIG welding at Marxam Project is a professional method of joining elements of the highest quality. Our experienced team of technologists uses advanced technologies and devices to ensure our customers that the final product we create is not only durable, but also has appropriate aesthetic values. Choose Marxam Project as your TIG welding partner and provide the best for your project.
Hegesztési Technológia

Hegesztési Technológia

Schweißtechnik in allen gängigen Verfahren! Wir fertigen für Sie Einzelteile, Baugruppen, Gehäuse und Gestelle. Auch ungewöhnlich große/komplexe Komponenten. Immer exakt nach Zeichnung oder Muster.
Személyre szabott szobaelválasztó

Személyre szabott szobaelválasztó

Paravent personnalisé


Cobots, also known as collaborative or cooperative robots, are high-quality devices that enable direct interaction between a human and a robot. The name is a combination of the words collaborative and robot. They are developing very rapidly, as a result of which they can be found in various production facilities. They are becoming increasingly popular, which is not surprising as they definitely make it easier to perform various tasks. They are primarily responsible for automating processes, which is certainly very important in many companies. The most important advantages of cobots Cobots have a built-in safety system, as a result of which it is possible for them to interact with humans. For this purpose, it is not necessary to install any special security features such as cages or bars. Thus, collaborative robots are proving to be far superior to industrial robots. Cobots are distinguished by their high mobility, and there are no objections to moving
Hegesztett hűtő- vagy visszatérő/szívó vezetékek

Hegesztett hűtő- vagy visszatérő/szívó vezetékek

Geschweißte Kühl- oder Rücklauf-/Ansaugleitungen bis 100 mm Durchmesser zählen ebenfalls zu unserem Produktangebot. Die Oberfläche erhalten Sie entweder verzinkt oder lackiert.